When you create a new user business relationship in Windows 11, the operating arrangement (Bone) automatically creates a new user contour folder in C:\Users\Username. However, this default user profile folder name is not e'er what you want.

Windows, past default, volition use the starting time five characters of your user business relationship name equally the profile binder proper noun. If you don't like the user profile folder name, y'all can modify information technology using a registry hack. Here we show you how to change the name of the user profile binder in Windows eleven.

How to Create a New Administrator User Account

To change your electric current user profile proper name, you demand to log into a unlike administrator account. You cannot modify an existing user account profile path from the same account.

If you lot don't have another administrator business relationship, follow these steps to create a new administrator user account.

To create a new ambassador account:

  1. Press Win + I to open Settings.
  2. Open the Accounts tab in the left pane.
  3. Click on Family & other users in the right pane.
    Windows 11 add user account
  4. Click on Add account under Other users. This option is useful if yous want to create a local user account without Microsoft Account.
    add other user account windows 11
  5. Next, click on I don't have this person'southward sign-in information.
    create local user account without Microsoft account
  6. Click on Add a user without a Microsoft business relationship.
  7. Type a name for the user business relationship. Exit the password field empty and click Next.
  8. Click on the new user account and click Change account type.
  9. Click the drop-down for Account type and select Administrator.
  10. Click OK to salve the changes.

Now you can log in with your new ambassador account. To do this, click on Start, click on the user profile name, and select Sign out. Now you sign in with the new ambassador account.

How to Change the User Contour Folder Proper name Using the Registry Editor

You can modify the registry entries associated with your user account to alter the user profile binder proper noun in Windows xi. This procedure involves modifying your registry entries, so nosotros recommend you to create a restore indicate. You can use the restore point to restore your PC if something goes during the procedure.

To change user contour folder name:

  1. Sign out of the user account for which desire to change the user contour name. Then, login with a different administrator business relationship.
  2. Next, open the Command Prompt. To do this, printing Win + R, type cmd and click OK.
    SID command prompt user account
  3. In the Control Prompt window, type the post-obit command to view SID (Security Identifier) for all user accounts:
    wmic useraccount get proper noun,SID
  4. Here, annotation the SID for the user account you want to modify the user profile binder proper noun. In this case, the SID for the username tashr is Due south-1-5-21-200486166-247335145-1769094253-1001.
  5. Next, printing Win + R, blazon regedit and click OK to open Registry Editor.
  6. In the Registry Editor, navigate to the post-obit location:
    HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion\ProfileList
  7. Inside the ProfileList key, locate and click on the central name identical to the SID you made a note of before.
  8. In the right-pane, right-click on ProfileImagePath value and select Modify.
    modify profile image path registry editor
  9. Enter a name you desire for the profile folder and click OK.
    add new name profile image path registry editor
  10. Shut the Registry Editor and Command Prompt window if open.
  11. Next, press Win + E to open up File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\.
  12. Select your user profile and press F2 superlative rename. Enter a new name for your user profile (information technology must match the user name entered in the Registry Editor).
  13. Click abroad and then click Go on to relieve the changes.

You may sometimes encounter the "You can't perform this activity" mistake when renaming the binder. This error often occurs if you lot switch to a different administrator business relationship without signing out from the principal user account. Alternatively, restart your PC and repeat the steps to rename the user profile folder without the error.

Next, log out from your current account and sign in to the user account whose name is changed. Open up File Explorer and navigate to C:\Users\, and you should exist able to apply the previous profile with the new pathname.

Rename the Default User Contour Folder in Windows xi

While y'all tin rename the user account in Windows 11 using the Command Panel, doing so will non change the user profile folder name. For this, yous need to modify the ProfileImagePath value in the Registry Editor with a dissimilar administrator account. Once done, you can remove the new administrator user account to declutter your logon screen.

How to Remove User Accounts in Windows 11

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