If yous don't already practise it, you should make it a habit to change your Outlook password regularly. This allows yous to keep unauthorized users away and brand your account more secure.

You can change the countersign for your Outlook.com account besides as within the client apps on your computers. If you recently changed the password for your email account with your provider, yous'll need to update information technology in the Outlook app on your automobile so information technology can continue to send and receive emails.

Alter Outlook.com Password

Changing the Outlook.com password ways changing your Microsoft business relationship password. This means, once you lot alter your password, you'll demand to use it to log-in to each Microsoft service that you lot employ on your devices.

That includes your Windows computer, your Microsoft electronic mail clients, and anything else that uses your Outlook or Microsoft account.

  1. Open a new tab in your browser and head over to the Outlook website. Log-in to your account if you haven't already done so.
  2. Click on your profile icon at the top-right corner and choose the option that says My account. It'll open your account's settings menu.
  1. The following screen shows the Microsoft services you can use. Click on the choice that says Security at the tiptop to view your password card.
  1. It'll inquire you to enter your current countersign to keep. Enter the password and click on Sign in.
  2. Y'all'll be on the security screen at present. Detect the section that says Countersign security and click on Change my countersign in it.
  1. On the following screen, you'll be able to change your Outlook.com countersign.

    Type your current password in the starting time box, your new password in the second box, re-enter your new countersign in the third box, and click on Save at the bottom.

  1. There'south an option chosen Make me change my password every 72 days that you can enable so Outlook prompts you to modify your password every 72 days. It's nothing only a security measure to keep your business relationship protected fifty-fifty further.

Change Outlook Password On Windows

If you use Outlook as your e-mail client on your Windows PC, you'll demand to update your countersign in it each fourth dimension you change the countersign from your e-mail provider.

This fashion Outlook volition be able to sign-in to your Microsoft account on your email provider'south server and fetch new emails for you. If you don't practice this, Outlook will throw errors maxim the specified password is incorrect.

  1. Launch the Outlook app on your PC.
  1. Click on the File menu at the top to view principal Outlook options.
  2. On the right-hand side pane, click on Account Settings and cull Manage Profiles from the newly expanded menu.
  1. Click on the Email Accounts button to view your electronic mail accounts.
  1. You lot'll see a list of all email accounts that you use with Outlook. Select the account you lot want to alter the password for in the list and click on Change.
  1. The following screen lets you configure the settings for your called email account. Since you're only looking to modify the password, put your cursor in the Password field and type the new password.
  1. Information technology's a good thought to confirm Outlook can connect to your email server after irresolute the countersign. Click on the Test Account Settings button to run an email test.
  1. If everything goes well, you can shut all of the open up windows now that your Outlook countersign has been successfully changed.

Change Outlook Password On Mac

The steps to change your Outlook password on a Mac are slightly different than the Windows version. But y'all tin can change the password for any business relationship that you've set up up with Outlook on your machine.

  1. Click on Launchpad in the Dock, search for Microsoft Outlook, and launch it.
  1. Click on the Outlook bill of fare at the height and select the option that says Preferences. It'll open your Outlook settings menu.
  1. On the following screen, choose the Accounts option to view your Outlook electronic mail accounts.
  1. You'll see a list of e-mail accounts that you utilise with Outlook in the left sidebar. Click on the business relationship you lot want to change the countersign for.
  2. On the right-hand side pane, there'due south a field called Password. Put your cursor in this field and type the new countersign for your account.
  1. Close the panel when you've entered your new password and the countersign will be automatically saved.

Change Outlook Password If Your Account Is Hacked

If you believe someone has hacked your account, you lot should change your Outlook password immediately then the hacker tin't log into the account. If they're already logged-in and you change the countersign, they'll automatically exist logged-out on all their devices.

You'll need to reset your password with Microsoft to do this.

  1. Head over to the Outlook website using a browser on your computer.
  2. Enter your Outlook email address and click on Next.
  1. Select the Forgot password option on the post-obit screen. It'll aid you modify your current password.
  1. Outlook volition let yous choose one of your recovery methods to reset the countersign for your account. In the example below, it'll send a recovery code to your default email address, and you can use that code to reset the password.
  1. Access your recovery email account and you'll find the code in your inbox. Notation the code.
  2. Go dorsum to the Outlook recovery screen, enter the recovery code, and click Side by side.
  1. You tin then change your current Outlook password.

How frequently do you change your Outlook countersign? Have you lot ever run into any password issues with Outlook on your computer? Let u.s.a. know in the comments below.